Ailments & ConditionsYour Health

Interstitial Cystitis – Diagnosis and Treatment

Lifestyle Changes

Some lifestyle changes can help people with interstitial cystitis improve their quality of life. If you are a smoker, quit immediately because there is a close link between tobacco products and the condition. Working out regularly can also help improve the symptoms. Try tai chi, walking, yoga, Pilates, and low-impact exercises. Avoid high-impact activities because they would worsen your pain or discomfort. If necessary, consult a physical therapist to learn effective exercises that can strengthen your pelvic muscles and bladder. Since stress can put more pressure on your body, it is important to reduce stress in your daily life. Biofeedback, meditation, and many hobbies can help. Last but not least, you should wear loose clothing and avoid belts or items that would put more pressure on the abdominal area. [9]


Many oral medications can improve the symptoms of interstitial cystitis. These include:

– Tricyclic antidepressants: reduce pain and relax the bladder

– Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs: alleviate pain and discomfort

– Antihistamines: alleviate urinary frequency and urgency

– Pentosan polysulfate sodium: this is a specially produced drug for treating interstitial cystitis. It can restore the bladder’s inner wall to prevent substances in urine from irritating. It might take around 2 to 6 months to see the expected effects. Avoid this drug if you are pregnant. [10]